Evaluating trends in the overlying water quality (temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen) is necessary to understanding the variability in Chesapeake Bay benthic communities. Unfortunately, at times, water quality data was not always recorded during benthic sampling. Using other datasets, like the water quality monitoring data collected by the Chesapeake Bay Program (found in the CBP CIMS database), may be helpful in understanding environmental changes that shape benthic communities. The spatial and temporal sampling frequency of Versar Benthic data and its limited associated water quality, however, are different than the water quality monitoring data collected by the Chesapeake Bay Program. Our goal with this application is to provide an interface were scientists could regress bottom dissolved oxygen (DO), temperature and salinity data associated with the Versar benthic database to water quality data from the closest CBP CIMS station. This will allow scientists evaluate whether it is reasonable to use CBP CIMS data in supplement or in the place of missing bottom measurements of water quality parameters.
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. You may wish view it in full screen mode. Here are some instructions for using the VersarCIMS workflow.