VersarCIMS Workflow


  1. Use map to select a region of the Bay to evaluate data.
  2. Select a variable (dissolved oxygen, temperature or salinity).
  3. Enter the distance in space between CIMS and Versar stations to be evaluated (e.g. 1000 meter distance between stations selected for regression)
  4. Enter the distance in time (number of days) between sampling dates to be evaluated. (e.g. sampling dates with in 15 days of each other) Select "Make Plot"

Sample Output:

  1. A Scatter plot of the selected variable data in Versar and CIMS datasets
  2. A correlation coefficient for the selected data.
  3. The data from which the scatterplot was generated from and the correlation coefficient was calculated. The data includes ancillary attributes, dates, latitude, longitude, etc ...

If you need more information, please contact David Jasinski.